Friday, February 3, 2012

The Secret Garden

My flights were awesome. Jim and Marty his wife (maybe short for Martha?) they're headed to St. Criox for a month and were really funny. The travel a ton and considering they live full time in Millikan Co, I found this surprising. My next seat mates Nancy and Her husband from Columbus Oh were on the way to a Galapagos cruise and she gave me a ton of tips for life in general.
I made it with no problems and I'm at my hostel the secret garden. Initially I was but taken back by the security guard in full body armor with night stick and gun, but he smiled.. Whew.
It's just a precaution. The hostel is 5 floors with a windy staircase and I'm in love already. There is an upstairs terrace where meals are, people congregate by the fire for drinks and socialize. I already my friends with a Belgium and an Aussie and I'm off to otavalo ( outdoor market) tomorrow.
Included are some pics of the view from my window and the hostel, more to come!
Tons of kids for western Washington and amazing story!! Night before me there was a peace corps volunteer for
Klamath Falls Oregon who studies sustainable development.. Sounds familiar! May it be noted: you never meet or here from people from Klamath falls Oregon. Maybe if your at a gun show but not abroad!

I also have to get another lock tm because i can't open mine, go figure. Passport, money, valuables under pillow.
I also overpacked and forgot a hostel necessity: flip flops...
Nighty night!!

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