Thursday, February 9, 2012

I like it, I go, I cook!

Classes are great, but mentally exhausting. I can only speak in the present simple tense of four or five verbs. I have the vocab of a child:)
It's coming along, no worries. But pronunciation is very difficult. In Spanish, you have to use your tongue only to rolls Rssssss, otherwise it's kind of lazy. It is a very unnatural noise for me to make and frustratingly hard.
On another note! I had cooking class yesterday,which I was really fun.
I made a soups de papas, tortillas de papa, aguacate ensalade, jus de tomate and " bocados"
Ecuadorians don't like spicy food, therefore they remove the acid from about everything. An example, onions. They're soaked in Salt water for at least 5 minutes before rinsed and consumed.
Also juice is made from "tree tomatoes" they're only called tomatoes for their color, otherwise, very different from actual tomatoes. They look kind of like red pears, that are hard and sour with orange flesh. You have to boil them for at least 15 minutes in salt water to remove the acid. Then, You add a spoonful of sugar , strain out the seeds and enjoy! Jus here is always made fresh either before a meal or the night of in a "licadura" ( blender)
There is also a lot of rice, potatoes and large corn kernels for salad..with queso, fresco!!!
I love the cheese here, so fresh, white- no chemicals and from the dairies along the valley- esta rica!
Here are some pics of the finished product:)

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