Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mi Madre y Mi Hermanos en Cuenca

Buenas Dias Mi Amigos!
This is my second day at school at CEIDI. There are a couple of immersion and semester groups from University of Syracuse and North Park, Chicago. As far as I know, as of now I am the only full immersion solo student. My days usually consist of breakfast around 7ish and then I walk around the corner to class. I live off the Parc de Calderon, In the middle of town. My host family consists on my mother Monica, and her kids Danelia (11) and Juan Jose (5). We also have a maid, Silvia who lives with us. This is typical of Ecuadorian families.Our house is third floor apartment in a colonial building above an architect. I have 6 keys. One for the outside gate, one fore the inside, 3 for our own doors and an additional for the gate that closes from 11-6! They´re awesome and I had some of the best tofu ever last night! Monica is a physiologist, and speaks Italiano too! Which is a blessing, if I don´t understand in Spanish, she´ll tell me things in Italian which surprisingly, I understand. She also is planning to go to Italy with the kids for three months where she works in a restaurant while the kids are in school.
My host siblings LOVE Justin Beiber and they have some very awesome dances. I will tape one asap and upload it.
 I wish I would have taken some spanish, because I don´t even know basic words, like cup. However,  in just a day, I have learned number, days, greetings and basic every day conversacion.
I have class from 8-10, just grammar, then conversation from 5-7. In between I do homework an always come home for lunch with the family. Lunch is the most important meal together. I understand the point of conversations and what they mean, and am learning fast. My brain just hurts.. SO MUCH EFFORT.
I also will be visitng several historical sights on the weekends, and we have a four day weekend coming up! This is think will be spent at the beach, surf capital of Ecuador. Monica said, I must go to the beach and the bars in La Montainita- otherwise she´d be very sad for me!!
Hope all is well back home de Los estados unidos.
Nos Vemos!

1 comment:

  1. Mackenzie! Thanks so much for the great updates and posts! It is really bringing back so many memories of living with my host family in Mexico. I remember that I had a terrible time with the language early in the morning and late at night. But pretty soon you will be dreaming in Spanish, and that is the best! Go to the book store and buy a teen novel... I remember the book I bought was called "Mi Novio R.I.P." It really helped me out, as I was able to look up words I didn't know, see grammer in action, and the reading level was achievable and sort of entertaining...and I know how much you like to read! Take Care!
    Kate Giese
