Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cooking class and trip to country house.

It's day three and I'm understanding more and more. I think my favorite part of the day is breakfast, which I usually eat with mi madre. Monica, though a psychologista, also owns the Italian restaurant, La Vina. She had told me that the first day, but I didn't understand. She spent three years in Italy learning to cook. I will go to the countryside most likely next weekend with the family and was sooo pumped to be invited!!
We also have great coffee at mi casa( woo hoooo) because like me, monica loves bueno cafe!
For breakfast, we usually have homemade juice from papaya or tomatillas ( they are not like the ones in the states). With toast, cheese, marmalade and a fruit salad with bananas and papaya.
For lunch always a soup. I usually have a light salty bean soup, soo good! Followed by carne de soy, rice, some corn salad with cucumber. Lunch is the largest meal and super delicious.
I have class till 730 so eat a lite dinner about 7:45.
I have cooking class today, yay!!
I also have about an hr of homework on top of about 4.5 hours of class- so I have to go!!
I wish I could learn Spanish via osmosis!
Hasta MaƱana blog!

P.s I'm in the process of online shopping for my host sister who loves all things Justin Beiber. I have never listened or watched sooo much YouTube in my life. It's a good thing I love her, because Justin Beiber is not my favorite- at all. I feel like a traitor to my indie music roots haha

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