Monday, April 2, 2012

The kindness of strangers: Out of Galapagos and on to Peru

Friday night, I was treated to dinner by Will and Frances and truly am sorry to part ways. From swimming through penguin poop, sweating over 2 liters a days and getting lathered in Vaseline( mommy Frances did my sunburns right!) I would say we are pretty close now:) I also talked them into taking about 10 pounds of my stuff back to the states with them, then having them ship it from Maine... They're the best.
Saturday I took my customary cold morning shower, a must in flaming hot Santa Cruz, packed my bag and off to the airport. Technically off to a taxi, then to a bus, then to a ferry, then on another bus, then!! Baltra the airport.
Ran into my Irish friend, Colum,who's traveling the world had a nice chat then boarded. Here is where the real sorry begins:
Not only did I have a classy isle seat with about 5 times that amount of room I'm accustomed to( thanks LAN) I also had a really nice isle mate. Naomi is a 31 year old LAN flight attendant who patiently conversed with me in my bumbling Spanish. I took a nap, we landed and off to baggage claim I went. I was a bit apprehensive because I was hoping to get on a bus to Piura Peru and the only way to do so is check out the terminal, and other companies that are spread out on several blocks around.. Not ideal in dangerous, muggy, 90 degree Guayaquil. That and the persistent" no tengo meido viajar soltera" ( you arn't scared traveling solo?) question made me want to say... "Wasn't before and should I be??" made me slightly uneasy.
However as I met up with Colum and was walking out of baggage claim there was Naomi, waiting for me with her two friend. I said " see ya mate" to Colum and we all packed into Jose's carro pequina.
Naimo and her friends took me to Oremeno first here she told me-"I'll do the talking they'll try and rip you off"
And we discovered no buses for today :(
No worries she said, back we went the car and off the bus terminal were I bus them goodbye and they wished me well.
They not only wouldn't except any money, but also saved me a headache, 8 bucks and additional strife.
I'll never see her again, and only have gratitude to give in thanks. It is awesome feeling to meet people who go out of their way to make sure a complete stranger gets somewhere safely.

Upon arriving at the bus station, my giant mochilla and overall whiteness lending me a hand in the police office pointing me towards the buses for Peru. 25 bucks later and my faith in humanity renewed I had a ticket to Peru leaving 5 hrs and a smile on my face.

I'm trying to make it to Huaraz to start a trek Monday and it just may happen!!

On another note: terminal terrestre in Guayaquil is a huge mall on the bottom. It even has a super market, KFC and McDonalds, so Americanized. Anyway I was super excited because I was able to get a tooth brush I needed, toothpaste, water, apples, kiwis and cheese ( dinner) with a knife ( to cute the goods ) for 8.52.. Deal!! Also has some snacks for the bus. After Galapagos that dollar needs to stretch.

Photos below are some I forgot, a pic of will and France's and some group:)

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