Friday, April 6, 2012

Huacachina: a sandbox for adults

When I thought of Peru I thought jungle, ruins and green, similar to the landscape I've become accustomed to in Ecuador. Despite the fact I'm aware of the converging MTZ air currents I still didn't expect the barren wasteland I was encountered with. Although beautiful in its own way, the landscape has succumbed the South American attitude towards trash. Which is, to not care. Therefore everywhere you look there is garbage in the sand, blowing across the road and floating in the water by the ocean. Moreover, styrofoam ( aka: enemy 1) is everywhere. Its hard to recycle, never biodegrates and in a place where recycling is almost nonexistent, I sure it will remain forever lodged in some pristine beautiful place. Sad, but probably true.

The upside of the desert is that there exists an oasis. Huacchina is a tiny town outside of Ica ( about 15 minutes) that provides sand boarding and buggy rides on the massive dunes. If you are even feeling studious you can attend adrenaline Peru's first " professional sand boarding school." I considered changing majors mom and dad!! ( just kidding )
The nazca lines are quotes close but unfortunately we are traveling during Santa Semana which means the cost of everything doubles. Despite the fact I've insisted I'm not celebrating, no one seems to care and I still have to pay more, darn!
After meeting more Aussies here I learned the exchange rate is about 1.9 to the US dollar ( now I think it's 1.6) but it still.. Jealous!!

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