Sunday, April 8, 2012

Arequipa: Easter Brunch and breathtaking monasteries

While record numbers of Peruvians celebrated good Friday, went to church and had parades ( my knowledge of Catholicism is limited) my current travel buddies and I decided to celebrate: with brunch.
I slaved over some cinnamon pecan sticky buns that smoked up the hostel kitchen. These kitchen mishaps are quite awkward when you're using a communal kitchen. However, they were delicious ( recipe courtesy of Martha of course) and with a veggie omelet, home seemed closer than usual.

To work up our appetite we went to this monastery in town dating back to the 1500s. Arequipa is Colonial, beautiful and sometimes I wonder, am I Peru?
Inner courtyards, geraniums and brightly colored chalked walls were breathtaking and inspiring. Now I want an inner garden in my house, have all the rooms in the house surrounded by the natural world.. That would be pretty sweet!!
Off hiking in Colca canyon tm at 2 in the morning so I bid everyone good night!!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the pics Mac! i know.. a pretty lush monestary huh! I also had that moment of serious consideration whether the life (pre the pope cracking down of course) would have been quite a nice option!
    Hope you're having fun in the Colca;)
