Thursday, March 1, 2012

Feliz cumpleanos para Monica

Today is Monica's 39 birthday. Mis Hermanos forgot so we made a cake at the last minute and I stayed up late coloring a card! My mother in Cuenca loves Venice so I made a card with a replica of a cake shaped like a building in the plaza de San Sebastian. The Spanish message inside was a bit incorrect grammatically but it's the thought that counts right!!!
Need to mail postcards today and figure out my plans. I may not volunteer at the biological station because they have been slow returning my calls and with information so I'm a boy concerned about the legitimacy of the project. May work on my Spanish is vilcamaba go visit friends in Guyaquille and try to make it to Peru a bit earlier. Also applying for a couple Americorps positions in Jackson Hole so also working in the job applications. Spanish is coming quicker and quicker. My grammar is not correct all the time but my point can get across.

Also!! Here are some pics of the awesome and foreign fruits I've been eating.. The names in still not sure of!!

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