Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ecuadorian Cultural Observations:

There are a lot of cultural observations that I've made in my time here and forgotten to share!

One thing I like about Ecuadorian culture is the importance of family. Everyone plays a role in the raising of a child and everyone is expected home for lunch!

On a sadder note there is an obsession with western culture. I saw teenagers everywhere with white surgical tape on their noses and couldn't figure out what it was for! I asked my teacher and she informed me that most people if they have the money elect to have a nose job. The appearance of an indigenous looking nose is no longer considered beautiful or handsome by their society's modern standards.

independence, especially for women is not always supported. Divorced women are blacklisted, and career women only can follow their passions in a city metropolis. Moncia and her friends ( also divorcees) lament this aspect of Cuencano conservative society.

Also wealthy women here that look in my opinion exotic with dark hair and eyes often bleach their locks and wear azul colored contacts.

Why is it that we are never happy with what we have?!? Even when what we posses is often convented by someone else and vice versa?

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