I hate goodbyes. Although " endings are new beginnings", I regret all forms of farewells. As I've gotten older its become easier, but farewells are sentiments I wish didn't exist.
Therefore, I take my friend Laura's advice who told me, most of the time goodbyes, are really "see you laters"
So to the friends ( Shan + house, Laurel, Laura, Hunter, Alena + house, Kara, Bec, Stine, E center and the many more I did not have time for and wish I could have said) thanks for inspiring me with your adventures and "I will see you later"
On another note:
While in Denver this morning, I got my international student id card. To anyone considering traveling or studying abroad YOU MUST GET THIS. It costs 22 dollars and gives you discounts all over the world. For my trek to Macchi Piccu 30 dollars off, phone/hostel discounts, and most importantly if you posses one you have basic international travel insurance! As of now the only place you can get one in Colorado is at DU and requires a passport photo, student Id and copy of an unofficial transcript or class list.
Still have to pack tomorrow, finish some labs and figure out a hostel situation in Quito for Wednesday... However, I had questions about what exactly i'm doing. So here's a teaser:
Cuenca, Ecuador
Recently named a unesco world heritage site, it is stepped in history, colonial and gorgeous.Though officially founded in 1557, archeologists have found evidence of inhabitants from as far back as 8060 BC! It is here that I will attend a Spanish immersion program at the Center for Interamerican Studies. The program consists of roughly 3 hours of grammar and 3 hours of culture Monday through Saturday.I will live with a Host family and practice my Espanol for 4 weeks. After that, I will be off La Hisperia biological reserve for a month, but more on that to come!
The first is Cuenca's Skyline, the second is Cuenca from afar.
FUN FACT: International Living just named Cuenca the place in the world to retire. Good thing I love old people. ( but really, I do)
Off to finishing up Climate and Vegetation ( future note to students taking online courses, self pace.. don;t leave it for a week ) and summer internship apps!! wooo hoooo Missing you all already
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